
I'm back like I left my keys

You never really realize how much you miss technology until it's gone. So, sometime last week, money for utilities was due. I along with two of my roommates paid the amount that was due. The fourth roommate however decided it was cool to pay half the amount that was due. So, not only was our cable turned off, but our internet (which is connected to our cable) was also turned off. Needless to say, this made me very upset. That's not the worst part. The motherfucker has the nerve to go grocery shopping aaand go drinking on Sunday night. I wanted to pull a Stewie, like when Brian owed him money:

But I decided to chill. So I go to text a friend and my phone randomly resets. After it resets, it resets again. And again. And again. So I take the battery out, blah blah blah, all the shit they always tell you to do. No dice. I have no way of communicating with anyone. Next, I go into my room, and my blinds are up. I never have my blinds up. Someone's been in my room. I hate when people go in my room when I'm not home. I don't get why you need to go in my room and why you are messing with my windows? So I go to sleep to chill out, wake up the next morning and go downstairs to make breakfast. I bought an 18 pack of eggs about 2 weeks ago, I look for my eggs in the refigerator and they're gone. I had 2 eggs out of the whole pack. FUCK ROOMMATES. I packed all of my things and retreated to Austin before I blew up my apartment. I need to get the fuck out of College Station ASAP.

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