
So I'm parking at Target

to get my step-mom a giftcard for my step-mom from the Starbucks that's inside when I see a parking spot that's  super close, which is good because it's colder than a hooker's heart outside, so I proceed forward to park. Then I get up to it, and whaddya know, this bastard of a Dodge Charger is parked like they're in a fucking commercial. All slanted over the solid white line and shit. Like this:

Now from this picture it doesn't really look that bad, but I assure you that they parked so that I couldn't fit in that space. Needless to say, this infuriated me quite a bit. So I did what any mature adult would do. I parked in another space. A further space. And made this sign to place on their windshield:

Did this get me the closer parking spot? No. Did it make me feel better? Yes.



  1. so i kind of love this and ill probably steal your idea.

  2. dumb ass=0 Thompson=1

  3. Did this just the other day. People around my housing complex think that since their cars are so nice, they can park all fucked up. Nope, I leave notes :)
